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Save card vs Setup intent

Learn how Save card functionality is different from Setup intent.

While save card and setup intent are both used to save a card, they are used in different scenarios. The following table explains the differences between the two:

Use caseSave cardSetup intent
BasicSave card is used to save a card for future use by a customer.Setup intent is used to save a card for a future charge used by a merchant and to verify the card. The merchant saves the payment method.
Impact on customersWhen a customer makes a payment, they often have the option to save their payment information for future transactions. This is particularly convenient for customers who frequently make online purchases. When a customer opts to save their card, the payment gateway securely stores the card details and associates them with the customer's account. Subsequent transactions can then be made without the need for the customer to re-enter their card details.A setup intent is a concept used in Payment Intents API to add a payment method, typically for a future charge. It's commonly used in scenarios where a merchant collects customer's payment details and charges their card later.
ScenarioSave card is used when a customer wants to save their card details for future use.Setup intent is used when a merchant wants to save a card for a future charge.
SecurityThe customer needs to enter card details and go through 3DS checks when making a payment.The customer does not go through 3DS checks when a card is charged.
Payment flowThe customer initiates the payment flow and saves the card details.The merchant initiates the payment flow and saves the card details.
Card accessThe customer can access all saved cards.The merchant cannot access the previously saved cards.
API methodSave card is part of Payment intents API.Setup intent is done using Setup intents API.