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Cancel a payment

Find out how to cancel a payment that hasn't yet been authorized.

Cancel payments when you don’t want to proceed, for example because authorization has been declined by the card issuer. You can only cancel a payment before it has been authorized. Payments that have not yet been authorized must be reversed, instead.

Cancel using the Dojo API

To cancel a payment to your customer, use the endpoint below:

DELETE /payment-intents/{paymentIntentId}

In your request, include:

  • paymentIntentId: identifies the payment being canceled.

For the full specification, see the API reference.

Request example

The next example shows how to cancel a payment intent.


Response example

If your request is successful, the response will return information about the canceled payment, and the status will be Canceled.

"id": "pi_sandbox_RBMHTJ4fIkmSppDILZVCGw",
"captureMode": "Auto",
"status": "Canceled",
"paymentMethods": [
"amount": {
"value": 1000,
"currencyCode": "GBP"
"totalAmount": {
"value": 1000,
"currencyCode": "GBP"
"createdAt": "2022-02-21T14:39:21.6050276Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-02-21T14:39:21.6050277Z"