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Optional configuration

Learn how to activate additional features for your checkout page.

Additional configuration is a useful way to capture extra information about your customers, and you can set up whichever fields best meet the needs of your implementation.

For example, a lot of merchants operate online stores and send things to their customers, so the shipping address is one of the most commonly-used optional fields. A billing address is required even more frequently, in cases where a transaction does not involve physical items.

The following examples include the other most common optional configurable payment fields. See the API reference for the full list of configurable fields.

Add payment methods

By default, the checkout page supports only card payments. To enable Apple Pay and Google Pay wallets, pass "Card","Wallet" in paymentMethods, for example:


You must verify your domain for Apple Pay.

Collect billing address, shipping details, and customer email

You can add a form to collect billing address, shipping details, and the customer email to the checkout page, by passing collectionRequired: true in config.billingAddress, config.shippingDetails, and config.customerEmail:


Redirect to your success page

After your customer submits payment information on the checkout page, Dojo processes the payment and redirects the customer to the success page. You can, alternately, redirect the customer to another page of your choice after payment, by passing the URL in config.redirectUrl:


Show detailed information about the order and taxes

You can add information about each position in the order to the checkout page, to do it, pass this data to itemLines. Additionally, you can add information about any taxes or fees included in the order using taxLines. Item and tax amounts do not affect the payment intent amount.

To add total due to the checkout page, pass showTotal: true in config.details. This value will be the same as the payment intent amount.


Add information about your company

You can customize the checkout page’s title, for example, by adding your company name. To do this, pass a title in config.title. If you leave this parameter empty it will default to the trading name you provided to Dojo at sign-up.


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