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Payment links

Embed or share a link to the Dojo Prebuilt Checkout, to start accepting payments anytime, anywhere.

Payment links are a quick and simple way to accept payments from customers without needing a full website. Payments links provide complete flexibility for customers to pay across devices. To complete payment, each customer is issued with a unique link which will direct them to Dojo's secure checkout page. This checkout page is completely customizable, so you can design a checkout flow to fit your brand.

You can create a payment link via the Dojo customer app or directly using the Dojo Payments API. If you are using the app, you can generate new links with no coding required. Simply generate a new link each time you wish to create an order. You can also automate the process using the Payments API, but some developer configuration will be required to set this up.

Payment links expire after thirty days, and each link can only be used once. After a customer makes a successful payment, anyone else accessing that payment link in the future will see a "Payment successful" message.

You can track any payment within the Dojo customer app. Once paid, you’ll see the funds in your next transfer.

This solution is PCI-compliant, so you must submit the Self-Assessment Questionnaire A.

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