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List Tables

Pay at Table integrations are currently standalone from Pay at Counter and Online payments. This is because the current version of the Tables API uses an asynchronous WebSocket protocol for its messaging.

The ListTables operation requests a list of tables. You can filter the list using the request parameters. If there are any parameters set, the response will contain only tables matching all filters using AND logic:

A request from Dojo for a table:

  1. Receive a listTablesRequest from Dojo.
  2. The EPOS should respond with a listTablesResponse.

You can filter the table list by the current tableStatus. Filtering by table status is optional. If no status parameter is set, the response will return all tables that match the requestorInfo, regardless of current status.

The requestorInfo is a required parameter. The example below requests all currently-available tables attached to a particular terminal (123123) and a particular waiter (1).

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "38741a62-b0b9-46a5-a172-dc339960820b",
"method": "ListTables",
"params": {
"statuses": [
"requestorInfo": {
"cardMachineRequestorInfo": {
"terminalId": "123123",
"waiterId": 1