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Get Table

Pay at Table integrations are currently standalone from Pay at Counter and Online payments. This is because the current version of the Tables API uses an asynchronous WebSocket protocol for its messaging.

The GetTable operation requests information about a single table. To retrieve information about multiple specified tables, use ListTables.

A request from Dojo for a table:

  1. Receive a getTableRequest from Dojo.
  2. If the specified table does not exist, the EPOS should send an Error response with the code TABLE_NO_SUCH_TABLE.
  3. Otherwise, if the table exists, the EPOS should respond with a getTableResponse.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "b02c1f76-c7f7-4259-a826-4eff4792ccd1",
"method": "GetTable",
"params": {
"name": "TBL 101",
"requestorInfo": {
"cardMachineRequestorInfo": {
"terminalId": "123123",
"waiterId": 1