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Testing your integration

The Tables API is now archived. For up-to-date Pay at Table integrations, please use the Dojo API and EPOS Data API:

Use the information on this page to test your integration.

Enabling Tables API on your terminal

As long as you have a version of the Dojo payment application on your card machine after 22.09, your terminal should be able to handle requests from the Tables API. The terminal is configured to use the EPOS it last made a connection so ensure your EPOS is connected to the Tables API and restart your terminal. You should now receive requests from your EPOS through the Tables API.


If you are encountering any issues with your device or your device is on an older version of the payment app, reach out to your PM.

Simulating messages

The Dojo payment application will always perform the same subset of Tables API calls preventing you from performing all the tests outlined in Test cases. Similarly, the terminal will not allow you test any of the consumer flows. To fully test all use cases, be sure to import the Tables Payment Device Simulator REST specification into Postman. This will grant the ability to send requests to your EPOS as if were your card machine or a consumer device but with full control around each property and the available filters.

Test cards

To test your integration, you can use the physical Dojo test cards along with your Dojo terminal.