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Installation Guide

Learn how to install, and configure Dojo Magento.

Install module

The following instructions apply to Magento Open Source version 2.3.x 2.4.x (tested up to 2.4.6) and Magento Commerce (Cloud).

  • Make sure you're set up with Magento. See the readme on GitHub for more information on system prerequisites and pre-start instructions.

The Dojo Magento module is available on the Magento Marketplace and is available on Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce (Cloud).

  1. Connect to your Magento environment using SSH.

  2. Navigate to the root directory of your Magento store and install Dojo Magento:

    composer require dojo_payments/dojo-payments:2.0.1
    composer update
  3. Activate the module:

    bin/magento module:enable dojo-payments
  4. Set up the module in your Magento environment:

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade 
  5. Deploy the static view files:

    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  6. Clean the cache:

    php bin/magento cache:clean

For detailed instructions, see Install an Extension

How to configure the module

  1. Login to the Magento admin panel and go to Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods.
  2. If the Dojo payment method does not appear in the list of the payment methods, go to System -> Cache Management and clear the Magento cache by clicking on the Flush Magento Cache button.
  3. Go to Payment Methods and click the Configure button next to the payment method Dojo to expand the configuration settings.
  4. Set Enabled to Yes.

Adding your specific integration details:

  1. Create an API key.
  2. Use your API key.
  3. Add your webhook endpoint.
  4. Use your webhook endpoint.

Step 1: Create an API key

After installing the module, you need to create an API key from the developer portal.


Ensure that you use the production API key.

Step 2: Use your API key

  1. Copy the API key that you created.
  2. In the Magento module page, paste your API key in the Secret API Key field.
  3. Click the Save config button.

Step 3: Add a webhook endpoint


Webhooks are crucial as they ensure orders are updated to the correct status in Magento based on the payment intent status communicated by Dojo.

  1. In the Developer portal, go to Webhooks and click the Add endpoint button.
  2. Enter the endpoint URL.

    This is your Magento public URL followed by /dojo2/checkout/notification. For example,

  3. Click Select events under Select Dojo events to listen to.
  4. Select Status update event. This displays the payment intent status.

    You must select only Status update event. The rest of the events aren't needed.

  5. Click the Add events button.
  6. Click the Add endpoint button.

Step 4: Use your webhook endpoint

  1. In the webhooks page of the Developer portal, click the key under Secret value of your URL. This copies the secret value key to your clipboard.
  2. In the Magento module page, paste your key in the Webhook Secret field.
  3. Click the Save config button.

You are now all set to accept payments using Dojo checkout for your ecommerce transactions.

Email for any issues you encounter during the installation process.